Friday 3 May 2013

Long Point - Definitely Spring

Its the beginning of May and spring is definitely here. We put the sailboat into the water on May 1st on a beautiful sunny day. In the past we have often had dreary weather for that ritual of spring.
Other signs of spring at Long Point:
The buds on the cottonwood poplars have burst into these neat looking
cattails. Some are brown and some green. They make a mess when they
fall but for now they are quite decorative.
We have been sitting out on the front (beach side) deck occasionally.
This year there is the addition of 2 solar tiki lights that I was given for Christmas.
We've put up both of Bob's martin houses now and there are a few couples checking
them out, but there don't seem to be as many swallows as usual, even though it has
been warm for a few days and there are bugs in the air.
We have a new camera with a better zoom. This little guy was checking
out one of our "detached" birdhouses, rather than the "multilevel community
living condos" next door.
There is farm machinery everywhere when we drive off the Point. The OPP is even
making public service announcements reminding drivers to be careful when
passing them.
Trillium are out, beside the road.
The beach looks the same as in the summer, but without any people. The weather
is forecast to be beautiful this weekend, so I think that will change.
And the final sign of spring on Long Point:
The portable sign is back on the entrance to the causeway. It also says
"Watch for Turtles"

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